Thursday, February 6, 2014

How to fix a white screen on a Nokia 101 (RM-769)

For this job you'll need a basic soldering iron (30W will be enough).

Image #2

Image #3

On the image #3 you can see a Nokia 101's mainboard (from the back side). There are 4 smd parts numbered from 1 to 4, we need to work with #1 (with a green stripe on it) (which is shown by the red arrow).

There are 2 ways how to fix a white screen problem:

1) The first way is to desolder the smd part #1, which itself is an inductor (value for this inductor is 100nH), and solder there a new smd inductor (100nH).

2) The second way is to desolder the smd part #1 and jumper the two contacts where the smd part #1 was soldered.

After this your Nokia 101's screen will work as usual. That's all.

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