Saturday, February 8, 2014

How to solve a headphone not detected problem on a Nokia 101 (RM-769)

For this job you'll need a digital multimeter with a continuity test and a basic soldering iron (30W will be enough).

Image #2

 Set you multimeter to a continuity test mode (see image #3)

Image #3
Image #4
and on a mainboard of a phone check if there is a connection between 2 pins of a headphone connector. These pins are shown on the Image #4 and they are marked as #1 and #2. Also a headphone jack must be inserted in the headphone connector while doing the continuity test. This process will look like something like this:

Image #5
if there is no connection between these 2 pins (while headphone is inserted) than you'll have to desolder the headphone connector from the mainboard of the phone and than solder a new one there.

Let's say that there is no problem with the headphone connector (or there was a problem and you replaced it with a new one) and there is a connection between the 2 pins of it (see image #4), than there are 2 ways how to fix the headphone not detected problem:

Image #6

1) The first way is to desolder the smd part #1 (see Image #6), which itself is a resistor (value for this resistor is 470 ohm), and than solder there a new smd resistor (470 ohm).

2) The second way is to desolder the smd part #1 (see Image #6) and jumper the two contacts where the smd part #1 was soldered.

Now your phone will detect your headphone. That's all, job done.


  1. nice job friend ...

  2. let me mention sth more...
    Headset jack pinout which you use with this Nokia 101 is different than nowadays used headsets for smarphones.
    Nokia hasÖ ear+, mic+,ear-,mic-
    Smarphones (android): earL+,earR+,mic+,Ground
    Smarphones (apple): earL+,earR+,Ground,mic+

    So don't be mistaken when you connect headset from other mobile and nokia says "not recognized"
